Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Final letter! 12-1-14

Konnichiwa, kazoku! Sorry this one won't be quite as long because I get to type on a touchscreen keyboard toda and I am not very jouzu. Anyway, thanks for the email. The Football game sounds like it was a lOt of fun. I am so proud of them! Also glad you got to see devin and Heather for thanksgiving. Our thanksgiving dinner was so good. Probably one of my favorite parts was when one of the brazillian elders was eating sweet potatoes for the first time and he looked up and said wow pumpkin pie is really good! We all got a laugh out of that one. Some of the hiroshima members had us Saijou kids over for dinner that night so we were pretty full when we got on the train home. Fortunately though didn't have the same experience alan went through on his mission. Haha. One fun thing from last week was that on Tuesday we had three different lessons where we were teaching lesson three to three different investigators, but it was cool because they were all different. Really learned the import of teaching lessons not people. Also our last district meeting was so good. I've had the same district leader for the last four transfers, and he is going home at the same time as me so he shared some really good stories from his mission and we were all able to testify about the power of Christ and how h has helped us. I love this district this transfer. It is probably my favorite district that I have been in. 
Nakayamasan is doing so well! Her baptismal interview is tomorrow and we are so excited for her. It has been so wonderful to see her testimony growing and the light of the gospel come into her life. 
When we were housing last week we ran in ato an older couple. When we said we were missionaries, they stiffened up and said they were Buddhist and didn't believe In Christ, which is a pretty common response around here. But rather than just walking away we started asking them what influence it has had in their life and talking about them, and they really opened up and we became good friends. Then, the man went in the back of the house for a minute and came back with four beautiful handcarved japanese tops and gave them to us. They were so nice! I just love being able to talk to god's children everyday. I love being a missionary! 
Gave a talk in church yesterday. Me and elder wood were the only speakers and spoke about what we have learned on our missions.  It was aa really good experience. I started crying a little which was a bit embarrassing, but I couldn't help it when I looked out and saw some of my favorite people sitting there with tears in their eyes.
Love it here. Love my mission. Never want to leave but I am of course excited to see you all again! Be prepared to have your ears talked off about JAPAN, as well as my bad english grammar, and all sorts of awkwardness. Love you so much. Thanks for your love and support - I'll SEE you in a few days!!!!!
Ai shite imasu!
Flake Shimai.
Can't wait to see this bright smiling face in person