Monday, May 27, 2013

5-25-13 Week 2 MTC

So just for the record, I don't even know how to spell any of the Japanese words I know because they're in characters, not roman letters and I'm finishing up learning that alphabet. Anywho, sorry about that tangent. But... this week has been great! I'm sure I'm going to be saying that same thing in basically every letter because this really is the most amazing experience of my life. I have read letters from missionaries so many times, over and over but I never truly understood until now how hard it is to explain exactly what I am experiencing. There is no way to explain! It's crazy!! (in a good way, of course). So Sundays are just about the best things of my life here. There is such a wonderful feeling, church is awesome, and we watched a life changing talk last Sunday night during the movie time called Character of Christ by Elder Bednar and it blew my mind. Incredible. I also feel like I understand a lot more now when people say that at the MTC "the days are long but the weeks go by fast." I can't believe it's already P-day; this week has flown by. I'll be in Japan in no time (which is a slightly terrifying thought. Although a great one). We ended up teaching about 4 more lessons to Shibatason (our progressing investigator) and I learned SO MUCH from each of those lessons. It was incredible to see how he was progressing and how we were progressing as we taught. Amazing.
In answer to your queries: Yes, I have seen plenty of Snowflake-ites. I see Kevin Johnson and Joe Bonham all the time. I think we have the same lunch schedule or something. I also see a bunch of random people I know a lot which is fun. And there are 3 bunk beds in our room, and some people on our floor have 6 to a room but we got lucky and only have 4 shimai. It is lovely. Heaton shimai is awesome, and the other two in our room are Willis and Davidson Shimai, who are going to Fukuoka as well. We have good times. :) Heaton Shimai -- the best companion I could ask for! We get along really well and our personalities gel. We entertain ourselves. Sometimes I feel really bad for Taylor Sensei because he'll say something that just starts us laughing really hard. I might have already told you this, but on the first full day of class he essentially told us to turn to "ichi pagi," (pronounced ee-chee paygee), or page one, and for some reason I just about died laughing because it sounded so funny. Don't worry, I'm getting better. Kind of. But yeah! Our district is awesome -- our only problem is sometimes we get distracted and lose focus by the end of the day because we've spent 10+ hours in the same classroom. We're getting better with that :) So our teachers are Taylor Sensei and Anderson Sensei -- to tell you the truth they have changed my life. I have learned so many incredible things about Japanese and the gospel. I am growing leaps and bounds every day in many ways. Oooh and another fun fact -- we have about a bajillion books to help us learn Japanese - practice books, grammar books, dictionaries, etc. Fun thing is, they're all named after Japanese things. Like one is our Squirtle, one is our Pikachu, one is the ninja, one is a samurai, one is a sumo... The list goes on but I'm sure you get the point :)
Missionaries going to Japan come in to the MTC every 3 weeks. It rotates between the southern and northern missions of Japan. Those that had been here for 6 weeks when we arrived our called our dai senpai, whereas those who'd been here 3 are our senpai. The disenpai are total favorites. They're the best. They are all really nice and so great to us. Our zone leaders are an Australian elder and a Finnish elder and they're hilarious. The Australian, is a tall, happy redhead and a great example. The Finnish elder is a short blond soul -- super intense (he was in the Finnish army for  a few years) and rarely smiles but he's a softie. And we got him to laugh at lunch yesterday so that was exciting.
Gym time is a party. It's great to be able to release all the pent up energy I have from sitting in the classroom all day. The thing we've done the most is combine with another Japanese district and play kickball. It gets pretty crazy (in a good, missionary kind of way, of course) and we have a great time.
I am so sorry I'm not answering everything but my computer is kicking me off. Have an awesome week, thanks for the letters and I love you all!!!! I'll do better with the email next week, I promise. Love you!!!!

Flake Shimai

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