Monday, December 30, 2013


                                               Christmas Morning!!

                                                                     Christmas lights!

                                                                  Making Mochi!!

Konnichiwa, kazoku!
To start off, let me just say it was soooooooo great to talk to you last week! I am so grateful for the opportunity we had to skype! I am grateful to hear so many things are going well for you. I love reading of the little miracles that occur every week. It is mind-blowing to think of how blessed we are, and how much Heavenly Father really does love each and every one of his children. Tender mercies are so real - we see so many every day. I'm glad you enjoyed the Christmas package - I hope it brought a little taste of Japan into your life! And make sure you start practicing with those chopsticks. When I return, I will be making a few things for ya that can only be eaten with chopsticks ;) 
I know I only talked to you a few days ago, but I feel like thousands of things have happened since then! We had a Christmas brunch at the honbu about an hour after I talked to you and it was so much fun. Kaicho and shimai had a son and his family visiting, so it was all of them and all the missionaries in our district. Lots of fun. Also Michiko came for the last part of it because she had brought a gift for their family. She is the greatest. One bit of a bummer is that she has been out of town for the past week, and doesn't get back till the end of this week so we haven't been able to have any sit down lessons with her, but we've been texting her and have talked to her on the phone a bit so things are good. Biggest miracle with her - we invited her to go to church in Miyazaki yesterday - and she did! She called us and told us all about it. More tender mercies! But I'm getting ahead of myself. On our Christmas p-day, we got together with some missionaries from our district and some from another district and went ice skating! It was so much fun. It is exactly the same in Japan as it is in America - down to the blue rental skates. Gotta love it! Then we went and saw the hakata station lights, then went to Eikaiwa! We had a special christmas eikaiwa that day. We got permission to watch It's a Wonderful Life. We watched it in english, with english subtitles - so the students could learn english still. It was so much fun. That movie has such a good message.
Christmas was bright and sunny, but the other days have been FREEZING. I think it's the bitter cold wind that blows while we're biking. Huzzah for great new experiences! OH and another fun thing with Christmas - our ward gave us a huge box of food and candy and presents - it was super thoughtful. They are all so sweet. Thanks again for everything in the package - my favorite things were the letters and the missionary newsletter that you included. It is so inspiring to hear other missionaries' stories, what they're doing, the miracles they are having, and so on. I have been able to learn so much from those. So thanks again! Last little random note - I have come to the conclusion that my taste buds have officially changed/ adjusted. We had saraudon at a member's house last week and it was incredible. It is a really thick creamy stew ish thing that you pour over crunchy noodles - it is creamy, full of vegetables, shrimp, and octopus. And I loved it. I think if I had had something similar on my first day, however, I wouldn\'t have enjoyed it quite as much. 
Last saturday was insane! We went with a potential investigator to a mochistuki - it was insanely awesome. we made mochi! It's made out of pounded rice - it's made by pounding this special kind of rice in a huge stone bowl with mallets. It turns into a soft, dough type thing that is super delicious. And it SNOWED that day. I love snow so much! And we made traditional newyears wreaths. New years is HUGE here. Bigger than Christmas. We can hardly even proselyte because nobody will ever listen on new years, apparently --- but we're still going to try!!! ANyway, that day after the mochitsuki we went and helped out with a feeding the homeless thing that a lady in our ward was involved in. It was a very humbling experience. After we went to Asami san's baptism! She is the other fukuoka sisters' investigator! Well, convert. She is the best. It was so good/. Whew. Lots of news, I'm telling you. And you haven't even heard the life-changing news yet. Here it goes.
Scariest moment of my life - are you ready for it?

I am going to be training this transfer.

AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH. I am such a jumble of emotions! I am scared out of my mind, but so excited at the same time. She will be a fresh outta the MTC bean, and I will be her comp as of Thursday. Weird. I feel like I just got to Japan yesterday, but I'll be on Transfer 5 now. Crazy how time flies. Anyway, I got to go to  the trainers training meeting that the APs do for all the new trainers each transfer and it was awesome. I learned a ton from it, and I can't wait. I know this is going to be hard, but I have been praying and studying harder than I ever have for the past few days and I know that this is exactly where the Lord needs me to be right now, and exactly what I need to be doing. We will have the opportunity to learn a lot together. I know that because we are doing his work, the Lord will be right there beside us, helping us through everything as long as we do our best. Alma 37;6-7 is truer than true. It is by small and simple things that great things are brought to pass. I am super excited, and ready to jump in and continue pushing forward with the work. I am so sad that I won't be companions with Sister Lane anymore, but I am so glad I was able to be with her for two transfers. I have learned a TON from her, and will always value the opportunity we had to be companions. Well that's about all the time I have today, but thanks for all of your prayers, love, and support. They mean so much to me! I love you all so much and hope you have a great week! 
Ai shite imasu!
Flake Shimai

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas is coming!! So is skyping!! 12-15-13

Christmas in Japan

Konnichiwa, kazoku!!!
I have a lot of news. I will try to remember to say everything I need to say, and answer your questions as well!!! I have some good news and some bad news for you. The bad news is that I won:t be calling you for Christmas................but I will be skyping you if that is alright with you!!!!!! WOOT. Basically the lowdown on that was this - plan on calling, unless a member offers to let you use their computer, but don:t ask to use anyone:s computers. HA so it was a kind of crazy situation. But the office couple offered to let us skype! I:ll send more info in a bit on that.
Anyway, this week! Lots happened. Some big news of the week is that we officially dropped Christina and Karan. It was hard, but we have been praying and fasting about it and knew that it was the right thing for them. It was hard, but we talked to them and they agreed that this was not the right time for them. But they did say they will call the missionaries again when they are ready to keep commitments and learn more, so it went well. It was just so hard! But it felt right after, and we knew that it was what we needed to do. I love them so much, and I know that they will be baptized someday. It:s all in the Lord:s timing!
Michiko san is doing wonderfully. Okay, so I just realized I don:t think I:ve told you much about her personality - but she is hilarious. I love her so much. Basically she tells us things every day that just make us die laughing. She loves the Book of Mormon and she has tons of questions, all the time. She keeps us on our toes. She loves trying to learn English, so we have a fun little exchange of us teaching her English stuff and her teaching us Japanese stuff - it is a party. It was super funny - at the beginning of a lesson we had with her last week, we were just having some small talk with a few things. She showed us a picture her friend in America had sent her of him at a shooting range. Pointing to the picture, she said `If I shoot guns like this in Japan, I will go to jail. Then after jail, hoshinosakae (the Telestial Kingdom).`We were glad to hear that she remembered the plan of Salvation lesson we taught a few weeks ago! It was hilarious. 
Just really quick, before I forget - you may or may not be getting a little something in the mail from Japan.... If you do.... Don:t open it till Christmas!!!!!!!!!!! That:s all. 
This past saturday was basically one of the craziest and funnest days evah. We (our district and another district in our zone, about 22 missionaries) caroled for all of the stake presidents in our mission - they were at the mission home having a big meeting. That night, we had a caroling program at Tenjin! It was awesome. We sang several big christmas songs all together, and a few smaller group songs. I did a duet with Elder Iwaasa - we sang a really cool version of I know that My Redeemer Lives (in English) and it was a lot of fun! The Gustafsons came to watch us, and Kaicho (president) said the nicest thing to me afterward. He said something like this -- Flake shimai, that was beautiful. I don:t know how anyone could see you up there singing like an angel and not know that this message we bring is true.` It was so sweet! I love the Gustafsons so much. I really am blessed to have such an incredible family here in Japan. I miss you all so much but all the elders and sisters here really do feel like my brothers and sisters, and the Gustafsons are our awesome parents. It;:s awesome. 
We got to watch the Christmas broadcast last night! So good, as always. 
Oh and on a random note - we can eat sugar again. I had a chocolate bar for the first time in 2 months the other day. It was so good. It feels like there are so many things we can eat now. Kinda blows my mind a little.
In answer to your questions - yes, we do streeting and housing. Interchangeably. There are tons of apartment buildings here, so we often will start from the top  and work our way down. Basically, it depends on your area and your personal preferences if you do more streeting or more housing -- in other areas, there are hardly any people out walking. We like streeting here in Fukuoka because the streets are always crowded. Lots of people to talk to all the time on our way to other appointments that we have. I:ve gotten to be quite a pro at getting off my bike and back on again like a lady, really fast, rather than awkardly throwing my leg over and almost falling off (which may or may not have happened a few times my first transfer) haha. 
Christmas question - yes! Christmas is a big deal here. However, not very many people connect it to Christ or even know who Christ is. The commercial side of Christmas is a big deal here. But it is great because we use Christmas to introduce Christ sometimes to people we talk to. It is really neat. 
Well that is about all I have time for today but I love you so much! I can:t wait to SEE and Talk to you next week!!!!!
Ai shite imasu!!!!!!!!
Flake Shimai

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Christmas kisetsu...12-8-13

Konnichiwa, kazoku!!!
Mom - I love your long epistles! Thank you thank you! It actually hasn:t been as cold this week as it has been the past few weeks. But there is still  a Christmas feel in the air :) (fun fact - the japanese word for season is kisetsu....I think) And mother any time you want to use any of my stuff - go for it! I:m glad it:s being used! Sorry about all these colons instead of apostrophes. It:s either that or the only other option is typing in Japanese. not the best idea. I can:t believe all these people are already getting home from their missions - I swear they just barely left! Time sure does fly. I:m glad James and Rockie are doing well! Tell him that if he wants to see how I:m doing, to write me a letter! (Yes indeed, I am pulling the letter card that I:ve always judged missionaries for pulling. Letters are the best things EVER. Especially here in Fukuoka because the recorder (one of the office elders) always calls us and lets us know when we have one. Super exciting indeed). Okay but anyway - I hope the musical goes well! Make sure to take lots of pictures and videos for me!!! I:m glad everything is working out for you guys. 
I:ll give you the lowdown on our week real fast ---
And I will start a little bit backwards! Yesterday, we had the coolest opportunity. Lane shimai and I were asked by one of the ward members to go up to help out in an upstairs room during relief society. We went up there, and it turns out there was a family visiting from Utah on business and they had brought a few of their business associates to church. There had been a mix up with when they thought Sacrament meeting was, so instead they met in a room and had us and the zone leaders come and introduce ourselves and just explain a little bit about what we do as missionaries. It was really neat, because the couple:s son had his mission call and leaves in a couple of months, so he talked a little bit about why he wanted to serve. Then the dad gave an overview of our beliefs. There was such a strong spirit in there, and the business associates were really accepting and respectful. We helped a little with some translating as well, and overall it was just a really neat experience.
Another exciting thing that happened yesterday - Marquez shimai, one of the less actives we:ve been working with for the past transfer came to church for the first time since we:ve been working with her! It was so exciting. Sorry, this is a bit of a tangent but I just realized something interesting the other day. It:s funny because before my mission the Christmas season has always been such a flurry of activity - I:ve focused on Christ, and the actual reasons but have still been involved in a bunch of the other things as well, gifts and so on. But I realized the other day that the best gift I could even possibly imagine receiving would be to have several of our investigators and LAs come to church. I don:t want to sound cheesy or anything but it:s so true. I love these people with my whole soul and I just want them to see how incredible this gospel really is!!!
Okay, sorry for the rambling - but it really is how I feel!! So I have a few random stories from the week that I would like to share - 
1. When we were streeting a few days ago, we stopped to talk to this lady who was walking a tiny tiny dog on a leash. After we said we were missionaries (at this point the dog was walking around a little bit) she started walking away PRETENDING LIKE THE DOG WAS DRAGGING HER. It was SO funny. She basically said `I am so sorry - I would love to hear more but I just can:t right now` while gesturing to the dog. Funny stuff.
2. There are so many adorable children in this ward. But fun fact - there is a little girl who is probably 5 ish or something who acts and looks like the Japanese version of me when I was that age. I am serious. It  is crazy.
3. Last night, I ate a whole bowlful of chicken gizzards. It was the food that has been the hardest for me to eat here. It would suffice to say that is one food that I will not be making for myself......ever.
4. I started learning a tiny bit of kanji. It is hard but way fun and it makes the vocabulary make so much more sense! The dollar stores here have practice kanji books so I got one and I love practicing with it. I showed it to higashi shimai and said `I know you probably had one when you were five or something, but hey I:m way excited about this!` She replied (in a very encouraging voice) `No, I was 7... but I:m so happy for you!` It was hilarious.
5. Mom, you would be so proud of me. I SEWED. True story. I sewed straps onto my shoes - they broke forever ago and I:ve just been kind of dealing with it but I got some stuff and sewed them back on and it:s better than before and I will send you a picture someday. Just know that it:s a big deal.
Okay, now for a bit of a report - and then I:ve got to get going! 
Christina and Karan both work on sundays so they can:t come to church. We:re still trying to do our best, figuring out what direction to take with them. They want to keep learning but are struggling a bit with the commitments, so I:ll keep you updated on them.
Michikosan is doing great. She:s out of town this week, visiting her mom, but she is still doing great with reading the book of Mormon. She has tons of questions all the time, and it is awesome. 
Real fast Japanese lesson - basically it:s rude to call people by just their name. A real quick explanation is this - you add on san to their name if they are older than you (it:s basically like mr., miss., or mrs.) and chan if they:re your age or younger (girls), and kun for little boys. Or at church, shimai and kyodai are acceptable in place of san. Yep. So hopefully that helps when I talk about people!!
Japanese is still slow, but I;m chugging along. It is such a cool language. Another fun thing - Higashi shimai:s english is crazy good so we teach her all sorts of random phrases all the time that she doesn:t know yet (like It:s raining cats and dogs, or don:t ruffle her feathers) and things like that. Good times. The four of us have so much fun in this apartment. Anywho, I have got to run but I love you all - thanks for everything!!!
Ai shite imasu!!!
Flake Shimai

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thanksgiving in Japan! 12-1-2013

Konnichiwa, kazoku!!!!
Sounds like things in good old AZ are starting to get a little bit crazy!!! But I am glad you had a great week. So many things, and I swear I never have enough time to tell you about it all!!! But it:s all good. That:s what journals are for!!!
But really - Thanksgiving sounds like it was awesome for all of you! I am glad Devin was able to come down, even though it wasn't for very long. I:m so happy for him with all of this Vocal Point endeavors - it sounds so crazy! I still can:t believe he is in Vocal Point, doing all these things every week and such because it all happened after I left. But it:s all good!! I am so happy for him. And yes - it:s a bit of a party here. Mostly just in the sense that everyone here is so much fun. We all get along so well. Thank you for telling me all about everything going on - I love hearing all about it!!!
This week, tons of fun happenings occurred. We had ZTM (zone training meeting) and the Fukuoka zone is HUGE. But it:s great to see everyone and how they:re doing. The training was awesome! I learned so much that I am trying to do better with applying every day - in my studies, missionary daily activities, and so on. Super great. Also, always such a good reminder of how important the members are in missionary work. We all got an awesome early Christmas present - a conference issue Liahona for each missionary. It:s great because I can mark it up however I want! But anyway, this morning I read through Elder Ballard:s talk, Trust in the Lord and it is so golden! This really is such an exciting time to be sharing the gospel and hastening the work of Salvation.
Sorry, I don:t want to get all preachy or anything but it just really is so exciting!!!! I have definitely seen how important member present lessons are.They just have such a strength. That:s one thing that we have come to learn - especially for us right now, where we can:t always fully express everything with this little language barrier, having a member that can share experiences is really wonderful. Anyway - on to the week!
Some members in our ward invited us over lunch last week - and when we got to their apartment, biggest surprise of all surprises - we smelled bacon. They made BLTs and soup for us (wanted us to have an American lunch for once - so sweet!) It was crazy. I haven:t had a sandwich in months. First meal without using chopsticks since I:ve been here! ;D (may be a bit of an exaggeration, but not by much!!) Super nice couple. Our ward really has incredible members. They:re all such huge examples to me!!
Sorry I always just talk so much about food. But on to your Thanksgiving questions -- we did not have any crazy food for Thanksgiving (because people don:t celebrate thanksgiving here) but we did have an incredible Thanksgiving dinner, thanks to Sister Gustafson. Seriously, the perks of being here in Fukuoka are awesome. It was our district, the Gustafsons, and their son and his wife who are here visiting right now. Turkey, ham, chicken, homemade mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberry salad, yams,  rolls, broccolli, etc.. a full blown thanksgiving meal. It was SO GOOD. One of my favorite things about it was that it was the first Thanksgiving meal that some of the Japanese missionaries had ever had and they loved it. And afterward, we talked about things we were thankful for. I can:t even tell you how much I love Kaicho and Shimai (President and Sister Gustafson). They are incredible. 
Some more exciting news from the week - we got to go to the temple on Saturday for the first time since the MTC!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was wonderful, as always. I:m pretty sure that the Fukuoka temple has a really similar or the same floor plan as the Snowflake temple, so that was cool as well. Love it!
Last bit of news with investigators (sorry I;m running outta time so I:ll give you more details next week)
Christina and Karan are not doing so hot. We:ve been working with them a lot, but they both work all the time and just have been too busy to do very much gospel wise (reading scriptures, haven:t come to church for a while, aren:t really praying, etc) which is a bit of a bummer. But we:re still working with them and trying to do what we can. We:ll see what happens and I:ll keep you updated.
Yukari is avoiding us - not answering our calls, won:t set  up appointments, etc, but once again we:ll keep pressin forward.
The bright ray of sunshine in our week is Michiko san!!! She is devouring the book of Mormon, has tons of questions, and enjoys meeting with us. She takes tons of notes every time she reads and asks us awesome questions. Love it. She:s kind of busy with work too, but she is great about meeting with us.
Anyway, that:s all I have time for right now but I love you all so much!!!! Have a wonderful week, and enjoy this fabulous winter season and the cold!!!!!!!
Ai shite imasu!!
-Flake Shimai