Sunday, December 15, 2013

Christmas is coming!! So is skyping!! 12-15-13

Christmas in Japan

Konnichiwa, kazoku!!!
I have a lot of news. I will try to remember to say everything I need to say, and answer your questions as well!!! I have some good news and some bad news for you. The bad news is that I won:t be calling you for Christmas................but I will be skyping you if that is alright with you!!!!!! WOOT. Basically the lowdown on that was this - plan on calling, unless a member offers to let you use their computer, but don:t ask to use anyone:s computers. HA so it was a kind of crazy situation. But the office couple offered to let us skype! I:ll send more info in a bit on that.
Anyway, this week! Lots happened. Some big news of the week is that we officially dropped Christina and Karan. It was hard, but we have been praying and fasting about it and knew that it was the right thing for them. It was hard, but we talked to them and they agreed that this was not the right time for them. But they did say they will call the missionaries again when they are ready to keep commitments and learn more, so it went well. It was just so hard! But it felt right after, and we knew that it was what we needed to do. I love them so much, and I know that they will be baptized someday. It:s all in the Lord:s timing!
Michiko san is doing wonderfully. Okay, so I just realized I don:t think I:ve told you much about her personality - but she is hilarious. I love her so much. Basically she tells us things every day that just make us die laughing. She loves the Book of Mormon and she has tons of questions, all the time. She keeps us on our toes. She loves trying to learn English, so we have a fun little exchange of us teaching her English stuff and her teaching us Japanese stuff - it is a party. It was super funny - at the beginning of a lesson we had with her last week, we were just having some small talk with a few things. She showed us a picture her friend in America had sent her of him at a shooting range. Pointing to the picture, she said `If I shoot guns like this in Japan, I will go to jail. Then after jail, hoshinosakae (the Telestial Kingdom).`We were glad to hear that she remembered the plan of Salvation lesson we taught a few weeks ago! It was hilarious. 
Just really quick, before I forget - you may or may not be getting a little something in the mail from Japan.... If you do.... Don:t open it till Christmas!!!!!!!!!!! That:s all. 
This past saturday was basically one of the craziest and funnest days evah. We (our district and another district in our zone, about 22 missionaries) caroled for all of the stake presidents in our mission - they were at the mission home having a big meeting. That night, we had a caroling program at Tenjin! It was awesome. We sang several big christmas songs all together, and a few smaller group songs. I did a duet with Elder Iwaasa - we sang a really cool version of I know that My Redeemer Lives (in English) and it was a lot of fun! The Gustafsons came to watch us, and Kaicho (president) said the nicest thing to me afterward. He said something like this -- Flake shimai, that was beautiful. I don:t know how anyone could see you up there singing like an angel and not know that this message we bring is true.` It was so sweet! I love the Gustafsons so much. I really am blessed to have such an incredible family here in Japan. I miss you all so much but all the elders and sisters here really do feel like my brothers and sisters, and the Gustafsons are our awesome parents. It;:s awesome. 
We got to watch the Christmas broadcast last night! So good, as always. 
Oh and on a random note - we can eat sugar again. I had a chocolate bar for the first time in 2 months the other day. It was so good. It feels like there are so many things we can eat now. Kinda blows my mind a little.
In answer to your questions - yes, we do streeting and housing. Interchangeably. There are tons of apartment buildings here, so we often will start from the top  and work our way down. Basically, it depends on your area and your personal preferences if you do more streeting or more housing -- in other areas, there are hardly any people out walking. We like streeting here in Fukuoka because the streets are always crowded. Lots of people to talk to all the time on our way to other appointments that we have. I:ve gotten to be quite a pro at getting off my bike and back on again like a lady, really fast, rather than awkardly throwing my leg over and almost falling off (which may or may not have happened a few times my first transfer) haha. 
Christmas question - yes! Christmas is a big deal here. However, not very many people connect it to Christ or even know who Christ is. The commercial side of Christmas is a big deal here. But it is great because we use Christmas to introduce Christ sometimes to people we talk to. It is really neat. 
Well that is about all I have time for today but I love you so much! I can:t wait to SEE and Talk to you next week!!!!!
Ai shite imasu!!!!!!!!
Flake Shimai

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