Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Miracles are SO real! 2-23-14

Elder Kawano, who just finished his mission in AZ.  He served in Heber, about 30 minutes away  from Snowflake.  His family is from Miyazaki, my first area.

                                                           Beautiful castle ruins--Don't you love the sweats?

Konnichiwa, kazoku!
AAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhh I just feel like so many things happen every week and I always want to tell you every single thing but I have no time to do it and I forget to tell you about it all! Good news. I am keeping up on my journal, so one day I WILL be able to tell you everything :) Anyway, thanks for telling me about your week! It is so weird to think of all of Logan:s friends getting their mission calls. I am starting to feel a little old. But that is so exciting for all of them! And I swear the entire town of Snowflake is either serving in south america or in England. That is so cool. So I have so many things to say, I:ll basically just go day by day. I won:t say every thing that happened because it would take forever but I will tell you about the daily miracles!!!
Monday - we had zone p-day! It was a party. We had had stake conference the day before, so a lot of the missionaries just spent the night (it was crazy. seriously I think there were 16 missionaries staying at the elders: house for a couple of days. I don:t know how they did it). We all went to the Fukuoka Tower ruins and had a sports day on a field nearby. Sports day basically ended up being a super intense game of ultimate frisbee. Gotta love missionaries. Anyway but it was great! Afterwards, we went to McDs then on to exploring the ruins! Good times. Do the mcdonalds in America have shaka shaka chicken? It:s one of my favorites. Anyway, but on to the exciting Monday news! When we were grocery shopping we ran into someone that we had briefly talked to on the street a few weeks earlier. He had met missionaries before in Taiwan, so he knew a little bit about our church. Anyway, we were able to explain why we came here and a little about what we believe, and gave him a book of mormon and had a great conversation, right there in the juice aisle! His work schedule is a little busy so we weren:t able to set a specific appointment but we have his number and will try to meet with him soon. 
Tuesday - Area book dendo miracles! We were going through our area book and were able to find 2 new investigators! We are meeting with Norasan this afternoon, and Yukarisan tomorrow. I was able to meet Yukari san a couple of times when I first came to Fukuoka, but she moved soon after. However she moved back and we can:t wait to meet with them!!!!
Wednesday - We were able to have a great lesson with Miyukisan. The miracle about it is she is the one that likes us but is not very willing to talk about religion. She always closes up whenever we try. However, she asked us a question. She said have you ever been jealous before? What does your church teach about that?, and what are beliefs are on that, and it just really opened up into a really good opportunity to teach and testify. We told her that we are not perfect by any means, but how we get through different problems and frustrations in life is by relying on the Lord:s strength. We were able to share some experiences (hey dad, I talked about how strong you are, and a bit about your hiking accident - hope that:s all good with you!) and testified of the truth of this that we know. The spirit was so strong. She was really touched and I think her heart was softened. It:s still going to be a little bit of little by little progress with her, but I know she is being prepared. It was just one more example of how much the Lord is involved in every single one of his childrens: lives.
Thursday - Zone training meeting! This happens at the beginning of every transfer - the zone leaders and sister training leaders gave awesome training. We:re trying to work together as a zone more and do more and more to progress each week. There is a huge push on getting lesson masteries done as soon as possible. Lesson masteries are a program to help us be better teachers! We have to pass of a short (5 min) medium (15 min) and long (30-45 min) lesson for each of the lessons 1-5 in PMG to another senior companion, and the longs are one to a senior comp, one to a district leader, one to my zone leader, one to the ward mission leader, and one to a ward member. I:m not gonna lie, these stress me out a little more than teaching investigators almost.  But it is super good practice, and really helps us to be better teachers. Anyway, I:m going to try to complete all of them this transfer. But let me tell you it is a little scary! Mostly because you don:t have a companion for them. It is just you, passing them off. Anywhosies, confidence. It:s a good thing to have. I really am glad we have lesson masteries. But I need to work on loving them more! がんばります!!
Friday - DANCE DENDO. True story. Messer shimai and I both really like to dance, so we talked to some of the young moms in the ward and decided to try some dance dendo. We made up a simple dance and taught it to a bunch of the young moms in the ward, and they brought some nonmember friends, and we all learned this dance, and ate lunch afterward and were able to BRT, and talk and such. It was so fun. Don:t worry, I got a video. You will love it.
Saturday - remember the Kawano family from Miyazaki - the ones whose son served in Heber? We ran into them at the mission office on saturday when we were getting some more book of mormons. They had just gotten back from picking up their son from his mission in Arizona! It was great to see them for a few minutes. We had an appointment with tamada shimai, but she got sick so it fell through. still a good day!
Sunday. Best miracle day ever. Remember Christina and Karan? The napal-gin that we gave up sugar for, and love to death, that we dropped because they wwouldn:t meet with us and weren:t keeping commitments? They CAME TO CHURCH yesterday. We haven:t talked to them since mid december. At all. And they just showed up. They wanted to say goodbye before they leave to visit Napal for a month this week. It was such a huge miracle to be able to see them. Definitely surprised me, to be sure. Hanzawasan came to church again as well! She loves church. She:s really busy during the week so we haven:t been able to officially start teaching her yet, but we:re meeting with her before church next week, which we are super excited for. The YSA in the ward had a crepe party after church, and our less active that we are working with, Morita shimai came! She is the cutest. We have so much fun together. She is super busy with work during the week too but she has come the past two sundays which is awesome! Last miracle of the day. Because that and studies took more time than expected, we did not have much time to find yesterday. We decided to just go streeting around the area of town where we live and here is the magical thing. We met a lady that is less active! She was baptized when she was 8 but fell away from the church in high school just because she got busy with school and work. Her 7 yr old daughter was with her and they talked to us for a while. She really likes the church but is just busy with work. So we got her number and will try to meet with her soon. She lives really close to us. Anyway, it was sucha big miracle! Goodness it was amazing. That is one observation I have come to learn about Japan. People are SO busy here. Such hard workers, all the kids are in school all day long from a young age and all the adults work all of the time. So busy.
Anyway sorry about the excess of words and whatever but I am outta time. I love you so much - thank you for all of your prayers and love and support - it means so much to me!!!! Have a great week!!!
Ai shite imasu!!
Flake Shimai

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Still in Fukuoka 2-16-14

Konnichiwa, kazoku!
Yep. Blows my mind that I hit my 9 month mark last week. But I have fabulous news with that --- I will probably be able to be on my mission for a year and a half PLUS 3 weeks because our MTC time was less... anyway that is happy indeed. But anywho, thanks for all the details with your week! Things really are coming with the language, missionary work, etc... the only thing is, I just feel like I have SO many things I need to/want to do to improve and be better! The thought of ever being able to speak this language completely just blows my mind. But don:t you fret, I am learning more and more everyday. Gosh I love it. The members in our ward, by the way are incredible. It is a huge ward, and they are so full of dendo-fire. As far as meals go, we don:t have a normal schedule of members who feed us - we usually just make meals in our apartment but members do invite us over every so often. Probably on average once every week, or week and a half. Kind of depends. But it is great. 
Oh and you probably already realized this but yep - no transfers for this girl! Messer and I get to stay for another transfer together in Fukuoka and I am so glad. We have so many exciting possibilities going on right now and I know we will be able to do a lot this transfer! Gosh, transfers are so short. I am already starting my 6th and that blows my mind. When I got here, and met missionaries on their 6th transfer I remember thinking they had been here forever and knew a ton. Nope. I just have a thousand things to do still and no time to do it! But it is okay - one step at a time!
Well, transfer week is always crazy for the Fukuoka missionaries. We had bean dendo on wednesday, so messer and I were in a threesome with one of the new missionaries.. she was a sweetheart and we had a lot of fun! Eikaiwa that night was crazy with a lot of people, but it was a lot of fun. Gosh I hate that I always run out of time so fast! But I will send off a real letter today with details and such. Anyway, we got to help at the train station on transfer day with directing missionaries to their new areas and such, loads of fun.
Thank you so much for the pictures! It is beautiful. I can:t wait to see the Gilbert temple. And fyi everytime I receive an AZ sunset picture from you I print it outu and show everyone I know. Fun fact. this past week we had some incredible LA miracles. Last wednesday we were able to meet with four of the less actives we are working with. we ran in to two of them (coincidence?  I think not) and It was a wonderful opportunity! Yesterday we had stake conference and it was great. Our stake is HUGE. Tons of missionaries too which was fun. Our whole zone. Anyway, the miracle is this - Hanzawasan came! She is an investigator who has come to church twice now but is too busy to meet with usduring the week but we will be trying to meet with her after church next sunday. She is nice. Then we were waiting for tamada san to come, a less active we:re working with and she had told us she would come. we were waiting and waiting, and the meeting started, and she didn:t come or answer her phone when we called. We were a little bummmed, but went up into the overflow seating and started watching conference. About ten minutes later, Morita shimai, a different less active we:v e been working with walked by and said Good morning sisters! We hadn:t been able to contact her for a while, so we didn:t even know she was going to come! She invited us over for lunch, and we had a pancake party! She had gotten us these cute little souveniers and said she was sorry she hadn:t been able to respond because she:d been travelling。 anyway, it was so good to meet with her! She:s coming next week and we are so happy! Anyway a bunch more happened but that:s all I have time for today. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!
愛しています!!”!(ai shite imasu!!)
Flake Shimai

On top of the tower

                                                                  Michiko san
                                                        Check out the jump!

                                                                With Messer Shimai
pps Don't worry. I celebrated AZ day.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Haircuts, setsubon, ehomaki, mac and cheese, fabulous training, frostbite, and transfers... 2-10-14

Konnichiwa, kazoku!!!
Sounds like you had a crazy week that was filled with a lot of fun! I feel like I always get surprised that it:s p-day. The weeks just fly by! Anyway sorry I:m emailing a little later than usual, it:s transfer week so pday is Tuesday! Gosh, so much happened I don:t even know where to start. 
Last Monday  was Setsubon! It:s this holiday where everyone eats long, uncut sushi rolls and when you eat them you face a point between North and northeast or something like that. And you throw beans to get the devil out. For good luck. Haha that sounds a little weird, but it makes more sense in Japanese. Basically trying to translate things from Japanese to English is a struggle at times. Sorry! Anyway, so we celebrated accordingly. I will include some pictures to explain. Higashi shimai and I went and got haircuts. I figured it would be wise considering the last time my hair was cut was like a month before my mission... but hey, now it:s nice and healthy so that:s cool! And the haircutter gave us ehomaki (the special setsubon sushi  roll) so that was fun. I got a package from Sam and Vandee last week and it was so nice! I absolutely loved the mac and cheese, chocolate, letters, etc - super nice. And when }I opened it I kind of messed up their address.. so could you let me know their address? Thank you! 
Tuesday night, the four nagasaki sisters came and stayed the night because we had a huge zone conference-esque meeting the next day. It was awesome to be able to talk to lane shimai again, and messer shimai:s MTC comp was there too so that was great! We had the opportunity to have training from Elder Aoyagi, the area 70 and it was awesome. He and his wife were way cool and they talked a lot about the importance of faith and hope in missionary work. It was so good. Another exciting thing with that - so they are Japanese, so it was in Japanese with one of the APs translating. The exciting part is that I knew what he was saying. I didn:t have to wait for  the translating, because I understood everything he was saying! Don:t get me wrong, my Japanese is FAR from perfect, but I really am starting to feel so much more comfortable with both speaking and understanding Japanese. I guess it is just exciting because this past transfer is basically the first time since being here that I have felt really comfortable with Japanese. I just want to do so much more! But I guess I:ve just been able to see how much Heavenly Father blesses us as long as we are trying as hard as we can. :)
Thursday was basically the coldest day of my life. We were working in nakagawa machi, just a part of our area that is pretty far away so we had taken the bus out there and were there for a large part of the day. We hadn:t realized it was as cold as it was, and it was a little bit of miserable. People didn:t want to talk to us at all, whether on teh street (because they didn:t want to stop and talk in the cold) or when we were housing (because they didn:t want the warm air to leave their houses). It was a little crazy! Haha we came home and my feet were pink and cold for another hour and a half. But it is all good, I learned my lesson with dressing appropriately for the weather! It:s funny, because when I first came to Japan and we would be biking in the rain, I was a little like `Man, this is crazy how we:re still just going, even though it:s raining and stuff` but now, I love it. Biking in the rain is one of my favorite things to do. I wish we could just give you some of our moisture! It rains all the time here. I prefer teh summer rains though, becuase the winter rains are so cold. Anyway, we learned from that day and had a lot better experience the next day in Nakagawa. 
We weren:t able to teach Morisan this week - we went by her house a few times but she wasn:t there so we will try to catch her this week! And Tamada shimai, the LA was busy this week but she is coming to church this sunday! We are so excited. Ha and she asked me if my dad was the senator of Arizona. Small world, even in Japan. I explained that that was my dad:s cousin, and it was funny. 
Sorry for the novel, but last miracle of the week - on Saturday, we got a call from a lady who said Hello, I met two foreigner girls on teh street last week and they gave me a flyer with this number on it. Is there still church tomorrow at ten? Can I come? We said YES we would love to see you there! So she showed up at church and we were able to explain about what we believe. And she is coming again next week! Her name is Hanzawasan. We were also able to meet with Michikosan this week! It was more of a BRT lunch because she:s still not super interested in lessons right now, but she is still reading the book of Mormon which is fabulous. Anyway, little by little we are pushing forward! Today is transfer call day so we will see what happens. I feel like we are pretty safe - I really think we will stay the same for this next transfer but it:ll be interesting to see what happens! Anyway tell Dallin I:m sorry all I could send was the wrapper of his favorite candy bar... but I hope he had a good birthday anyway!!! Haha and the fact that Logan is doing his mission papers still blows my mind. a lot.
Sorry but I am way outta time but I love you so much and hope you have a fabulous week!!!!
愛しています (ai shite imasu!!!)
Flake Shimai


                                                                   Fruit Pizza

                                                      Mac and cheese-Thanks Sam and Vandee!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Wonder of wonders, miracle of miracles Feb 2, 2014

Making smores missionary style.  Chocolate, corn flakes, and oreos?

Sister Higayashi my STL and roommate

The Bird Statue

Konnichiwa, kazoku!
Wow, sometimes I feel so busy but I read your emails and it's crazy how busy you are right now as well!! It is not fair - I feel like the longer I am on my mission, the faster time seems to go by. I realized the other day that I'll be coming  up on my halfway mark soon. What the what? I know for a fact that I just stepped off the plane yesterday. Crazy. But anywho, on to your questions and the week!!!
I can't believe it's already time for the Gilbert Temple open house. I have only seen the outside once, when it was getting close to being done, and I fell in love with it. It really is so exciting how many temples are being built in Arizona - the work is hastening! I'm glad Logan was able to go to the open house with the priests and laurels. Also there is no way he is old enough to be graduating/putting in college application/starting mission papers/other stuff. That blows my mind. But I am way happy for him! Also tell Dallin O-Tanjobi omedetou gozaimasu, aka HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Dad, I am so glad to hear about work picking up. I'm praying for you! Mom - you are such a tsukaresama! I don't really know how to translate that very well, but basically a hard worker - I can't believe all the things you've been doing as the head honcho on the state choir board - you are awesome!
This week started out a bit slow,but it sure did end with a bang. We were a little bummed about the fact that  basically none of our investigators were working out, but we just kept going and hit some other things hard. We really focused on less active work, finding, and member mogis (practice lessons) this week and we were able to see some great miracles! We went to higashiku this week, an area of town that is a little farther away so we don't go super often, and just mapped out a bunch of less actives that live in the area and a member offered to drive us around. We were able to find/meet a really neat family, the Hayashida family, and they got  along really well with Kai shimai and her two kids. We talked to her for a while and will try to set up an FHE or dinner with the Kai family. I'm so glad we were able to meet them! We also met with Emiko shimai again, and helped her out with a little volunteer eikaiwa class she teaches. After that, we were able to teach her and a friend that she brought along as well. Oh and last LA exciting news - Tamada san! She's the less active that we found a few weeks ago while streeting that was baptized twenty years ago in utah. We were finally able to meet with her, and we talked a lot about her conversion, what she's been up to and so on. She really wants to come back to church but has meetings and things going on with work right now on Sundays. However she is planning on coming on the sixteenth!!! Anyway, it was really wonderful to talk to her and hear some miracles in her life. When we met her on the street, we gave her a book of mormon (in Japanese). She said the night before she met with us again, this past week, she remembered "I'm meeting with the sisters tomorrow - maybe I should read a little bit of the Book of Mormon." so she did. And when she started reading, she started crying because she felt so good, and remembered that was how she had felt years and years ago at her baptism. She said "Sisters, I hadn't felt that way for twenty years, I 'd forgotten what it was like!" Also this was her first time reading the book of mormon in Japanese, her native language. So it makes a lot more sense. Anyway, sorry for the rambling but it was such an incredible experience to have that lesson with her and see Heavenly Father's hand in her life and be able to testify of how involved he is in each of our lives. I've seen it so much, time and time again while being here. It is incredible how much he loves each and every one of us!
Alright, that was a bit of the less active report. On to member mogis - they went really well! We were able to get some practice with the lessons, and the members were really helpful. The members of the Fukuoka ward are so dendo-fired. They are always wanting to help us and it is such a blessing. The ward is full of past mission presidents, returned missionaries, old APs, etc.. it's great. 
On to our finding miracles of the week! Finding was a little rough at the beginning of the week. We were getting  keko after keko. Nobody was interested at all. Most people wouldn't even let us say more than Hello, we are---. It was pretty frustrating! We were able to talk to the ZLs and get some ideas that helped, but it was still a little hard! But here is where the miracles began. We were able to junkai ( go on exchanges) yesterday with the sister training leaders (aka Higashi and Lyles shimai). It was so much fun, and I learned so much! I went on splits with Higashi shimai and learned a ton. Fun fact she is basically my favorite nihongin ever. Which is saying something because I love everyone here. We had a blast. She helped me work on giving baptismal invites on the street, and I am a lot more comfortable with them now. We were able to find 2 new investigators, and several potentials. We worked really well together, and I was able to learn some really good ideas, with new approaches that I want to apply in finding situations. One of our new investigators was Mori san. She is a super genki 85 year old lady who looks and acts like she is 60. Lane shimai and I found her while streeting around christmas time, and she gave us her address and phone number but said she'd be busy till after new years. So we have been calling her and trying to get in touch, but no answer. We also tried finding her house, but we weren't able to find it. So yesterday Higashi and I decided to try one more time to try her house. We figured out the right address, and found her! She invited us in and we were able to talk for quite a bit. It went well, and we're meeting with her again tomorrow! She's very Buddhist, but enjoyed talking to us and hearing why we believe what we do. Don't worry. Almost everyone we talk to is Buddhist - this is something we can handle!!! Haha at least we will try our best. Miyazaki san is the other investigator we found! She's a college student, and nineteen. She was way chill, and we extended a baptismal invite to her. She said if she was able to have that fresh start, and clean feeling that she would be interested in that! We're meeting with her next Sunday. The other shimai saw some great miracles as well. Anyway, I feel like I have so much to tell you every week but I don't even get to say half it! It's all good. I'll be dilligent with my journal, don't you fret. Oh, speaking of that - I FINISHED MY FIRST JOURNAL. This is a big deal because it's basically the first time in my life this has happened. That's all
Okay - lastly, to answer a few questions --- Unfortunately the attachment you sent wouldn't open so I couldn't hear the song. But thank you for trying! Also thanks for the fruit tart recipe. I'm excited. Messer shimai is doing great with the language. She doesn't think she is, but seriously she's a champ. Haha it's hilarious because it's like she's a copy of how I felt as a bean. Cept she's way more chill and under control. Haha. But man it sure is fun training. And scary. But good.  Anyways sorry for the funny details and whatever. But I hope you have a fabulous week. I love you all so much!!! 
Ai shite imasu!!!
Flake Shimai