Monday, February 10, 2014

Haircuts, setsubon, ehomaki, mac and cheese, fabulous training, frostbite, and transfers... 2-10-14

Konnichiwa, kazoku!!!
Sounds like you had a crazy week that was filled with a lot of fun! I feel like I always get surprised that it:s p-day. The weeks just fly by! Anyway sorry I:m emailing a little later than usual, it:s transfer week so pday is Tuesday! Gosh, so much happened I don:t even know where to start. 
Last Monday  was Setsubon! It:s this holiday where everyone eats long, uncut sushi rolls and when you eat them you face a point between North and northeast or something like that. And you throw beans to get the devil out. For good luck. Haha that sounds a little weird, but it makes more sense in Japanese. Basically trying to translate things from Japanese to English is a struggle at times. Sorry! Anyway, so we celebrated accordingly. I will include some pictures to explain. Higashi shimai and I went and got haircuts. I figured it would be wise considering the last time my hair was cut was like a month before my mission... but hey, now it:s nice and healthy so that:s cool! And the haircutter gave us ehomaki (the special setsubon sushi  roll) so that was fun. I got a package from Sam and Vandee last week and it was so nice! I absolutely loved the mac and cheese, chocolate, letters, etc - super nice. And when }I opened it I kind of messed up their address.. so could you let me know their address? Thank you! 
Tuesday night, the four nagasaki sisters came and stayed the night because we had a huge zone conference-esque meeting the next day. It was awesome to be able to talk to lane shimai again, and messer shimai:s MTC comp was there too so that was great! We had the opportunity to have training from Elder Aoyagi, the area 70 and it was awesome. He and his wife were way cool and they talked a lot about the importance of faith and hope in missionary work. It was so good. Another exciting thing with that - so they are Japanese, so it was in Japanese with one of the APs translating. The exciting part is that I knew what he was saying. I didn:t have to wait for  the translating, because I understood everything he was saying! Don:t get me wrong, my Japanese is FAR from perfect, but I really am starting to feel so much more comfortable with both speaking and understanding Japanese. I guess it is just exciting because this past transfer is basically the first time since being here that I have felt really comfortable with Japanese. I just want to do so much more! But I guess I:ve just been able to see how much Heavenly Father blesses us as long as we are trying as hard as we can. :)
Thursday was basically the coldest day of my life. We were working in nakagawa machi, just a part of our area that is pretty far away so we had taken the bus out there and were there for a large part of the day. We hadn:t realized it was as cold as it was, and it was a little bit of miserable. People didn:t want to talk to us at all, whether on teh street (because they didn:t want to stop and talk in the cold) or when we were housing (because they didn:t want the warm air to leave their houses). It was a little crazy! Haha we came home and my feet were pink and cold for another hour and a half. But it is all good, I learned my lesson with dressing appropriately for the weather! It:s funny, because when I first came to Japan and we would be biking in the rain, I was a little like `Man, this is crazy how we:re still just going, even though it:s raining and stuff` but now, I love it. Biking in the rain is one of my favorite things to do. I wish we could just give you some of our moisture! It rains all the time here. I prefer teh summer rains though, becuase the winter rains are so cold. Anyway, we learned from that day and had a lot better experience the next day in Nakagawa. 
We weren:t able to teach Morisan this week - we went by her house a few times but she wasn:t there so we will try to catch her this week! And Tamada shimai, the LA was busy this week but she is coming to church this sunday! We are so excited. Ha and she asked me if my dad was the senator of Arizona. Small world, even in Japan. I explained that that was my dad:s cousin, and it was funny. 
Sorry for the novel, but last miracle of the week - on Saturday, we got a call from a lady who said Hello, I met two foreigner girls on teh street last week and they gave me a flyer with this number on it. Is there still church tomorrow at ten? Can I come? We said YES we would love to see you there! So she showed up at church and we were able to explain about what we believe. And she is coming again next week! Her name is Hanzawasan. We were also able to meet with Michikosan this week! It was more of a BRT lunch because she:s still not super interested in lessons right now, but she is still reading the book of Mormon which is fabulous. Anyway, little by little we are pushing forward! Today is transfer call day so we will see what happens. I feel like we are pretty safe - I really think we will stay the same for this next transfer but it:ll be interesting to see what happens! Anyway tell Dallin I:m sorry all I could send was the wrapper of his favorite candy bar... but I hope he had a good birthday anyway!!! Haha and the fact that Logan is doing his mission papers still blows my mind. a lot.
Sorry but I am way outta time but I love you so much and hope you have a fabulous week!!!!
愛しています (ai shite imasu!!!)
Flake Shimai


                                                                   Fruit Pizza

                                                      Mac and cheese-Thanks Sam and Vandee!

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