Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The weeks are flying by!! 4-27-14

Konnichiwa, kazoku! 
What a party of a week for you all! Urayamashii! I am glad all of that callback and auditions business is starting to wind down for you mom - you are so good with all of that. Don:t forget that I will be bringing you home some awesome music for callbacks next year. As soon as I heard it that is what it made me think of. Music nerd? Why yes, yes I am. 
Anyway - that is so great that you were all able to go watch devin:s concert in the valley! Sounds like it was quite the fun time. I also loved the matching t-shirts pictures. Looking good. I can:t even tell you what a big fan I am of Heather. I am so happy for them both! And just so you know, I never remember if I answer all of your questionsor not - I feel like I usually don:t. I will start with those today!
So the costa rican girl has been really busy with college, and we haven:t been able to work with her tons, but things are going well with umeda san '(brazil). It:s really interesting - we teach and communicate in all of our second languages (Japanese). she speaks portugese and japanese, we speak english and japanese, and we all can understand each other - how exciting!! We found a portugese speaker in the hikari, hiroshima ward, so we will hopefully be jointing with him this next week. We are so excited. As far as our twig turning in to a branch - we need to have 4 melchizedek priesthood holders for it to turn into a branch. Right now we have 2, but 2 of our recent converts are preparing to receive the melchizedek priesthood so we are really hoping to have a branch this next transfer! Our district is awesome. Everyone is working so hard! I think there are about 5 baptismal dates between our district right now - several scheduled for mothers: day so we are hoping those will go through. Because there might be baptisms that day, (and it would be in hikari, about an hour train ride away) we are not sure yet about times for mothers day calls, and whether it will be the phone or skyping. But I will fill you in on those details next week! 
Saijo. It is such a place of miracles. Last week we were able to teach Kimurasan, the 85 yr old lady that we met on the street a couple of weeks ago, and she actually invited one of her friends to our lesson. The two of them were very sweet, and so sincere as we taught the restoration. They really have a strong desire, and it was an awesome experience. Kimurasan:s eyesight isn:t very good, but we found out she had been reading the book of mormon with a magnifying glass. We are meeting with them both again tonight and can:t wait to explain more. After our lesson, kimurasan played the koto for us, which is a traditional japanese instrument that is way cool. It has 13 strings, and is really long. It was way cool. I think I might have told you a little bit about this last week, but we are teaching AB lessons to Lisa, a recent convert from malaysia that just moved to saijo. She is super fun and bubbly - it is awesome to be working with her. Sorry I just have time for one more story - but this was one of the funniest things of my mission. We housed into Odasan last week. He is about 65, and really short and really funny. When we met him, he was drunk, and in a tshirt and boxers. Kind of weird. But he did say he had a little bit of interest in knowing about god, but not while he was in his drunken state. But he said I drink every night after coming home from work, so I guess this won:t work out. We gave him a book of mormon, told him to read the intro, taught him how to pray, and asked him to pray about it before we came back a few days later. We told him we will come back on friday - and when we do this, we will be coming with friends, and don:t drink before we get here. we will come at 7. So we came back a few days later with the elders (and he was properly dressed and not drunk this time) and he had kept his commitments! We had  a great lesson, and passed him to the elders. My favorite part was at the end of the lesson,  at the end of his prayer. He had said good things, then at the end said And I am grateful that this was a LITTLE bit fun. (sorry, it:s funnier in japanese when a little old man is saying it - Kyo wa SUKOSHI tanoshikatta node arigatou gozaimasu). Anyway, that was a fun time. Sorry this is all over the place - I want to say a thousand more things but I have no time. I love you all, the church is true, and I hope you have a great week!!!!
Ai shite imasu!
Flake Shimai

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